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028 4483 2585 Serving patients in Crossgar, Downpatrick, Killyleagh, Saintfield, Belfast and beyond...


Crossgar-Dental-Practice-Inman-AlignerThe Inman Aligner is a simple removable device used to align front teeth quickly and safely. It is a cost effective and discreet method for improving your smile.



How does it work?

The mechanics consist of a series of coiled springs which sit behind the teeth, pushing them forward, while a thin plastic bar across the front of the teeth applies pressure in the opposite direction. The device is recommended to be worn for 16-20 hours a day for 6-18 weeks. In most cases, the Inman Aligner is usually much faster and easier than alternative orthodontic treatments.


Treatment required

    • Contact reception to arrange your consultation appointment
    • If the Inman Aligner is suitable, an appointment will be arranged to have an impression of your teeth made
    • After sending the impression to the lab your aligner will return and an appointment to fit your aligner is scheduled
    • Wear your aligner for 16-20 hours a day
    • Regular 2-3 week aligner checks with your dentist


Please watch the following video for more information:



If you’re unhappy with your smile, suffering from moderate crowding or protrusion of your front teeth an Inman Aligner could be for you!


See Pricing for this service.




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